I wish I was still into it as much as I was in my youth. Drum Corps, and more specifically, Color Guard. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the show, but I just didn't get that feeling of excitement in the pit of my stomach that I used to get as a remnant of my performing days. Still, it was enjoyable to see some old friends at the Rose Bowl. A lot of the old gang was missing, but I'm sure that's to be expected in Mid-August when highly valued vacation time can't be interrupted for a Drum Corps show. The Rose Bowl was packed, though. It was great to see a good turnout in the LA area for DCI!

If you care to know, the winner was the Blue Devils.
No, I never marched in a Drum Corps... I did Color Guard (Winter Guard) indoors. I'm not an outdoorsy kinda gal. Those kids are so tanned. I feel the need to warn them all about the dangers of sun damage. Ah, to be young and carefree... and able to spend a summer perfecting your craft and perfoming for an appreciative audience. All the Corps were great! Congrats to all the Corps who made the finals.