Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I registered for this blog more than a month ago. Maybe two. I hesitated to start blogging, though, because I love to read other blogs. It's incredibly discouraging. So many bloggers have such interesting lives. I'll warn you from the start, I do not. I occasionally do interesting things, but I'll warn you now: Life on the Westside is quite mundane.

I work for a large corporation and I co-own a small business with my husband, which is our baby. There is no actual baby, or child for that matter, in our household. Though probably still capable, I think I've missed that train.

What I'm trying to say is, Don't Procrastinate! You'll just end up, well... older. So I'm going to stop procrastinating for now. I'm sure you'll be able to tell when I go back to my old ways. Wish me luck!