Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm back

Did I say I was busy? It's been an incredibly busy time for us. Lots happening in the record biz. We had an exclusive color pressing of the Harold and Maude soundtrack, got an opportunity to pre-sale Eddie Vedder's Into The Wild and we're working on becoming a record label. I've sacrificed lots of sleep, and we've kept long hours at the business. Hopefully, we're really getting ourselves off the ground now.


Krista S. Givens said...

hey karen! thanks fort eh comment on my blog - isn't it a small world? so give me an update- you're married? wow. and life is good?

Hello Katty said...

Yup! Married, no kids, still working f/t, and running an online record store with my husband. Color Guard chapter successfully closed, but I'm still looking for something to be passionate about. I'm really impressed with your direction in life. You're a brave soul. I wish I had gotten to know you better when I had the chance! :)